Investor relations strategy
Explaining your company’s strategy, business performance and investment proposition in a clear and transparent way via an effective investor communications programme is fundamental in enabling current and prospective investors to form an accurate valuation of your business.
How can we help?
Our role is to assist in the formulation and development of your investor relations strategy in the following ways:
advise on the structure and content of your investment case
use investor feedback to tailor your investment proposition
formulate the equity story and ensure consistent messaging
provide a coherent plan and execute on this
focus on maximising the potential and reach of your external communications programme via shareholder targeting
crisis communications and response strategies
Investor communications materials
A company must ensure its communication materials are consistent, clear, transparent and in line with regulations and best practice. The quality of a company and its management is reflected in its communication materials and therefore there is value in ensuring the standard is consistently high.
How can we help?
We can assist in bringing your company performance to life. We coordinate, write and manage the execution of investor communication materials including:
quarterly, interim and full year results
annual reports
investor presentations
press releases
investor fact sheets
Q&A documents and scripts
social media messaging
The business case for strong sustainability practices is undisputed both from an efficiency perspective but also in terms of good governance. Investors are increasingly looking at environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance as an indicator of underlying business performance.
How can we help?
We can advise on sustainability strategy and reporting requirements and can formulate and execute your sustainability communications, including:
sustainability reporting
sustainability communications audits to identify areas for development
materiality assessments - understanding which issues your stakeholders consider most material
integration of sustainability into your corporate communications strategy
sustainability content for your website, social media posts and investor communications
Investor events
Seamless, informative and well executed investor events are an integral part of any investor relations programme. These take significant amounts of organisation and preparation and their success is reliant on achieving the correct messaging.
How can we help?
We can assist in the organisation, planning and execution of all your key investor and analyst events, including:
capital markets days
site visits
investor roadshows
governance roadshows
In addition to the day to day planning of the event, our role is to advise on messaging, prepare the presentation, write your script and provide counsel on how best to pitch your equity story. We can also assist in inviting, hosting and gaining feedback from attendees.
Perception studies
We believe that communication should always be a two way street. Identifying and understanding market views and opinion is a prerequisite in any successful investor relations programme. The aim of a perception study is to provide an independent, third-party evaluation of a company and its performance.
How can we help?
We contact key investors and analysts, analyse feedback received and provide recommendations. This involves:
defining feedback methodology based on your specific requirements
contacting key stakeholders
providing a comprehensive study based on feedback received
advising on any necessary actions to address feedback
Bench marking and advisory services
We believe that companies should always aim high and look to achieve best practice in investor relations. Keeping up with the ever changing regulatory environment can be challenging and internal stakeholders are not always aware of the requirements of a public listing.
Transparency and best practice are rewarded by the investment community and therefore there is significant benefit in ensuring the business is doing all it can to reach a high level of disclosure and adherence to relevant standards.
How can we help?
We are here to support you and help you to achieve and maintain best practice by:
providing best practice briefings and training to board, management and internal teams
carrying out peer bench marking
guiding on maximising and improving your investor communications
promoting the role and importance of ESG reporting in investor communications
Investor relations provides a communication channel through which the investment community can approach the company for information and via which the company can disseminate key messages and its investment case. Investors and analysts want to know that they will receive a timely and informative response from the company via the investor relations function.
Significant planning, organisation and a high level of attention to detail are required in the successful running of an IR programme.
How can we help?
We are here to provide the first point of contact for investors, analysts and other relevant members of the financial community. By providing a flexible, reliable and dedicated service, we believe we can:
communicate the investment proposition in a consistent, clear and understandable way
ensure timely and informed responses to requests for information
remove the onus on management
adapt communication methods depending on the audience